Finally I can sit down and write about Trends and Fads! I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but this weekend has been hectic, I am taking so many classes, I couldn't find the time to write this post!
But here I am now!
So what is the difference? how can you know if a new "trend" is not just some fad that will come and go away very quicky?
Well, there are a few things you should look into. Let's first define what Trends are:
Trends are based on esthetics that are timeless, trends are cyclical, they come and go, they have a history.
Trends are translatable, that means they translate into lower priced, mass markets, in about one to two years.
Trends are well developed, they are formed by established indicators from a multitude of well known sources.
One thing you should think about when you see a new trend, is Have I seen this before? Was this trending 20/30/40 years ago? If that is the case, then most probably that is something worth investing your money in. If on the contrary you have never seen this "trend" and is popping out everywhere, beware!
Ultimately you should just buy a Trend if it is:
what you like
suits your body shape
your personal coloring
your lifestyle,
and your budget!
Usually if we just follow a "trend/fad" just for the sake of staying "current" with the fashion world, we will regret it, our finances will regret it. Also think about the space in your closet, it is just so precious! I wouldn't want to waste it in something that is not worth it. What do you think?
Fads, come as fast as they go, they usually start with a big "explosion" but they don't last more than one season. What also distinguishes a Fad from a Trend is "quality". Usually when something is trending, like let's say denim shirts, you will see denim shirts in all kinds of stores, from luxury to mass markets. A fad, doesn't have a past and doesn't have a future, a fad, is just here now, gone tomorrow. Usually fads are made in low quality materials, that don't last long, because they don't need to, that's why you won't find fads in Designer or Luxury Stores. Designer and Luxury stores have "smaller" selection of higher quality goods. Just visit a few to see what they carry. If you can't decide if you should buy that new item you saw in a magazine, then I suggest you go to the mall and find the highest priced, most luxurious global brands and see if they carry some kind or form of that item...if they do, most probably it's here to stay, if you can't find it there, just wait for a while and see what happens.
So just to summarize:
Trends have a history.
Fads exist only in the present.
Trends last for a couple of years.
Fads last only one season.
Trends can be found in Luxury/designer and mass market stores.
Fads are usually only found in mass market stores and made of lower quality materials.
Here are a few well known and professional resources for trend-setting research:
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